Well, I'm no Rembrant, but not too bad!

I did my first attempt at painting today and it turned out great! As the blog states, I'm fascinated with pineapples and crabs. There is just something about both of them, and I needed them together in a painting, so I did it.

Husband is the artist of the family. Our house is filled with his artwork and the fact that it seems so organic for him always put me off, but I wanted this. I headed into the studio today knowing that husband was going to be stuck in the kitchen juicing a giant bucket of grapes to make wine and I wanted something to do to be near him but still keeping busy. I suppose I could have sat in the kitchen with my knitting or embroidery, but today seemed like the day to get my paint on. I found a great canvas that we had that was oddly shaped, grabbed the acrylics and brushes and set up shop at the dining room table.

After several questions to the "professional" in the next room, I got started on painting the background and blending away. It was a learning experience and is no where near perfect, but every time I look at it I like it that much better. It's bright and cheerful and brings a smile to my face. It now proudly hangs in my pineapple and crab infused kitchen to make the theme complete. Someday when the remodel is done with our kitchen, this painting will be center stage and the true inspiration that I want it to be. Now, look to your right of this page and you will be able to see my masterwork in it's full glory. Not too bad, huh?
